Dermal Filler

  • Fillers are composed of hyaluronic acid or other biocompatible materials, they’re used to provide a natural-looking and youthful appearance by adding volume to areas of deficit.

  • First I apply a topical numbing cream so you'll feel no discomfort.

    Once you’re comfortable, I inject dermal filler into areas with volume loss. The product and area determine technique (canula or needle).

    Once complete, I reiew aftercare instructions with you. It’s important to stay within driving distance for at least 48 hours to monitor for any complications.

  • Results are immediate; swelling and plumpness will go down after a few days. Wait at last 2 weeks for the product to settle and integrate with your tissue.

  • I apply numbing cream to the injection site before the procedure so there is minimal discomfort.

    Please note swelling and bruising is always a possibility, please plan accordingly with social events.