PRP Injections

  • PRP (platelet rich plasma) injections is where we use your own plasma to aid in healing and recovery. Combined with other treatments, this can aid and yield better results in skin resurfacing.

  • (For microneedling) I first apply a topical numbing cream so you'll feel no discomfort.

    I then take a sample of your blood and spin it in our Integrity PRP/PRF centrifuge to separate the platelets from your red blood cells.

    After this, I inject the PRP into areas of concern, usually under eyes or nasolabial folds.

  • While the healing process starts immediately, the effects of PRP injections are long lasting. Initially you will see plumpness, but the long lasting effects can last up to 3 years.

    To get full effects, it’s recommended to do 3 sessions.

  • I apply numbing cream to the injection site before the procedure so there is no discomfort.

    Please note swelling and bruising is always a possibility, please plan accordingly with social events.